Mortal Kombat 2: Nick vs Tim
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 16 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Clip includes kicks, punches, knee kicks, wrestling, headbutt, elbows, ballbusting, back breaking, legs breaking, arms breaking and neck breaking.
Custom clip request:
Nick in fight 1 is shirtless in fight shorts, show Nick wearing a different fight short in Fight 2 to show a different character
Tim is shirtless in fight shorts able to see quads like Mortal Kombat Kevin vs Tim (tights)
Fight 1: Tim vs Nick (Tim wins)
Fight starts with both fighters greeting each other. Tim squares off with Nick and both fighters are equally match into first half of the fight (feel free to improvise fight here to show Nick fighting well doing some.impressive kicks -roundhouse kick and other martial arts move).
As fight progresses, Tim delivers several brutal kick to Nick right leg, breaking it, causing him to fall down. Nick gets up and limps to fight but Tim, starts delivering punches to Nick left and right leg, beating Nick into a high kneel position, following by which he low blows Nick in the balls, causing the fighter to grab both balls in pain
Following this Tim pulls Nick heads up and delivers a death blow onto Nick throat, causing Nick to bleed from his mouth and almost knocked out and in a daze.
Have the finish him sound effect.
Tim, smiling, goes to grab his phone and takes lifts Nick arm up and does a victory pose taking several selfie along with it. (Show snapshots of this)
After doing this Tim upper cuts the dazed/knocked out Nick into a standing position where Nick limps while in a daze/almost knocked out. Tim then neck snaps the fighter, Nick in a standing position like below clip. A combination of both clip (0:50-1:00) (13:00-13:10)
Show full front view of this.
After in which Tim grabs Nick arms and does a victory pose with the dead fighter Nick, as the fighter slumps forward dead in a standing position with Tim holding his arm up in a victory pose.
Fight 2: Nick vs Tim (Nick wins)
Scene transit with Nick holding the dead fighter Nick in a victory pose and showing Tim the “You are dead sign”. He then let’s Nick go and both Tim and Nick face each other.
Fight starts with Nick and Tim squaring off evenly match. Tim gains the upperhand with his Muay Thai elbows and knees to Nick, causing Nick to almost knock out mid fight into a daze. (Show Nick trying to fight in a daze) Tim then breaks Nick legs and arms brutally. Nick is injured, lying on the the floor. Tim comes over stomps Nick in the balls, lifts him up, breaks his back (show full view of this) (0:55-1:10)
and snaps Nick neck (show front view of this). Nick falls on the floor bleeding from his mouth.
Tim happy that he defeated the fighter, flexes a double bicep pose and does a victory pose.
However, the fight does not end here, Nick is a cyborg and recovers, adjusting his neck onto his head and readjusting his broken legs and hands. He wipes the blood of his neck and gets up to fight.
A shocked Tim, seeing this, charges at him with multiple Muay Thai elbows and knees. Nick, now mastering Tim moves counters him. Both fighters are evenly match here. As fight progresses, Nick, plays dirty and jabs/gouges Tim eye, causing him to be blind on both eyes and bleeding from it.
Tim grabs both his eyes in pain and starts fighting haphazardly as he is blinded from the jab like below clip, Nick gains the upper hand and starts landing lots of brutal fatal blows on Tim weakening Tim like below clip (feel free to improvise here) (2:25:3:50)
Tim gets increasing frustrated as Nick taunts him and starts exerting more strength, he sums up his energy to deliver a brutal knee kick to Nick which Nick counters with another brutal knee shattering Tim leg, causing Tim to fall down in pain tremendous pain holding his knee (have sound break effects here) , (8:45-9:00)
Nick approaches the fallen fighter Tim, and kicks him in the head, causing him to spit out blood, following this, he kicks/stomps Tim in the balls brutally many times, causing Tim to clutch his broken leg and balls.
Nick then flexes in front of Tim as he tries to recover, getting up on all four weakly, bleeding and clutching his balls.
Nick dashes over and does a flying elbow on Tim back breaking it causing Tim to fall on all four on the ground bleeding. Tim now paralysed from his leg down tries to crawl away weakly but Nick comes over and pulls Tim head up into a kneeling position. Nick tries to pull one of Tim hands up as a victory pose but he resist trying to pry opens Nick grip. Angered by this,Nick brutally elbows Tim head causing the fighter to bleed and fall into a daze. Nick then pulls the fighters arms up and does a victory pose.
Have the finish him sound effect.
Nick then breaks Tim right arm, Nick then breaks Tim left arm (do different style of brutal arm breaking here) Following this, Nick snaps Tim neck, show a front view of this.
As fight ends show Nick, taking out a camera to take a selfie of the his victory pose with the fighter (show snap shot of this at the end)
1) Fight to be as brutal as possible and actors to act wellwith good fight choreography and realistic acting
2) body breaking part to have the body breaking sound effect and good to have more blood on fallen fighter.
3)Feel free to improvise fight and be creative in improvisation and realistic choreography
Jack Jay’s comments:
1. Is red juice needed? – hoping to have red juice and bruising on fighter would be great
2. I don’t quite understand this: “A combination of both clip”. In the first example, he is standing in the victim’s face as he snaps his neck. In the second example, he stands behind the victim as he snaps the victim’s neck. Which side should Tim end up on?
Or should we have two endings where he breaks his neck differently? Please explain this point. – I am thinking more whereby we can see both fighters clearly as Tim snaps Nicks neck.
3. I don’t quite understand this: “Scene transit with Nick holding the dead fighter Nick in a victory pose and showing Tim the “You are dead sign.” He then let’s Nick go and both Tim and Nick face each other.” One Nick holding another dead Nick? – should be a typo, here Tim is holding the dead fighter nick from the first fight in a victory pose. 2nd fight Tim looks at Nick and show the “You are dead sign ”
4. – we definitely won’t be able to do this, unfortunately. Please choose something simpler. – All good feel free to improvise something brutal here.
5. – I’m not sure that we will be able to do exactly this. But we can try to do something similar. – Feel free to improvise something brutal here according to your studio creativity
Ryan (verified owner) –
A nice male vs male video with both boys’ neck snapped as an ending
Both actors have quite impressive performances
Would love to see some more gut punches or even gutpunch to vomit / spitting