Lora – The Barefoot Agent
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Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 14 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
- Kick
- Foot on face
- Kissing feet
- Victory pose
- Red juice
- Knockout
Custom clip request:
I’d like to order a custom video with Lora as a barefoot, invincible, sadistic, martial arts assassin. Video can be 10 or 15 minutes long. I have a strong foot fetish and want this to be a foot domination video. Completely one-sided – lots of swift, strong barefoot head and roundhouse face kicks and foot close-ups. The male victims try but have no chance and cannot even touch her. Please, no cursing or calling men “bitches.” She’s too cool for that.
In this story, Lora is working for herself – a supervillain. Her only motivation is that she enjoys kicking the crap out of men and taking whatever she wants. No man has ever been able to fight her or even land a blow. It’s a violent story – let me know if it is possible.
The video starts inside an apartment. There are 3 thugs sitting at a table looking at their stash of money. The thugs do not have masks – we can see their faces. There’s a knock on the door. Thug #1 gets up and goes to the door.
Thug #1 says, “Who else knows we’re here?” The 2 other thugs shrug. Thug #1 opens the door.
Lora is standing there with a slight smile, wearing a long black duster (a long coat that goes down to her ankles made of thin material). It covers her body and almost reaches the floor. Except you can see her bare feet. The thug looks her up and down and notices her feet, red toenails. She looks gorgeous and smiles slightly. Then (close up of her foot) she slowly raises the heel of one foot, the toes pressing on the floor, getting ready to kick. The thug says, “Who are you?” Lora replies calmly, “I’m here to kick you all to death and take your money.”
The thug starts to talk – “Wha….”
Lora’s bare leg shoots out suddenly from a slit in the duster and her bare foot kicks him very hard in the face. He falls backwards and crashes to the floor, knocked out. Lora holds her leg up, foot in the air to show off her foot – her deadly weapon – toes bent back, her sole facing the camera, then she slowly lowers it back to the floor, teasing, smiling.
The other two thugs stand up suddenly, “What the…” Then Lora lets the duster drop to the floor, revealing that she’s wearing a bikini. She steps slowly and seductively over the body of the Thug #1, like a model on a catwalk showing off her curves, and stands in front of the other two thugs. They are confused but mesmerized by Lora’s body. “What’s the matter?” she mocks. “Cat got your tongue?”
Thug #2 pulls out a gun and starts waving it at Lora. She waves her finger at him like she’s scolding a little boy, “You’re being a bad boy.” She puts her hands casually on her hips (not a karate stance) and suddenly and confidently performs three fast roundhouse kicks saying “kiyahh” with each kick. (strong sound effects).
The first kick knocks the gun out of the thug’s hand. The second is a kick to his head that knocks him down. And for the third kick, she quickly turns towards thug #3 and kicks him in the head, knocking him down as well.
Lora laughs – not loud, a kind of a soft giggle. “That was easy – now I’m going to have some fun with you all.”
Thug #2 is dazed on the floor and crawling to reach his gun. Lora’s foot comes down on his hand, pinning it to the floor (close-up). She shoves the gun away with her other foot, then kicks him hard in the side to roll him on his back, then swiftly kicks him in the head as he’s lying there. She steps over his head and plants her feet on either side of his head, looking down, smiling. (Film at least one shot from his point of view.) The thug is in pain and holds his arms up to try to stop her. She kicks his hands away and plants a foot on his chest to hold him down.
“What should we do next?” she says. She pretends to get an idea. “Oh! I know! Suffocate you with my feet!” (Will Lora do this?) She slides her foot up to his face, pinches his nose shut with her toes and presses the arch over his mouth. The thug panics and grabs her ankle but she is too strong. Lora laughs. “Aw, what’s the matter… can’t you breath?” The guy starts flailing around, and Lora sits down on his stomach with her foot still on his face. Then she moves the other foot to his throat. She bends her toes back and presses her foot to his throat so the thug’s air is completely cut off. With her feet still on his face and throat, she then grabs his arms and holds them down while she watches him slowly pass out. Please make this a long scene. (If Lora won’t do this, then film the scene similar to “Deadly Hiring” when she sits in front of the guy, puts her feet around his head and snaps his neck, except this time barefoot).
Thug #3 wakes up and starts to crawl towards the door to escape. Lora stands up and looks over at him, “Where do you think you’re going?” He looks back over his shoulder, and his face is met with a strong kick from Lora’s foot. He falls over, dazed. Lora reaches down and grabs him by the hair. “Get over here,” she says. Pulls him up to his feet. He’s staggering. Lora then sadistically delivers many strong head and face kicks (you can make this as long as you want). He’s staggering and she throws him against a wall and pushes his head down with her foot to make him slide down the wall to a sitting position, leaning against the wall. Lora sits on the floor in front of him and pins him to the wall with one foot. “Let’s play a kicking game.” She lifts her other foot and holds it in front of his face, toes bent back, taunting him. “Are you scared?” “No… please … no…” the guy begs. Lora snaps several swift kicks across his face. (add sound effects). Juice trickles down his mouth, bruises appear. “Aw, did that hurt?” she laughs. Several more swift kicks. “I think this is the end for you!” she giggles. Several more swift kicks. She smiles as he moans. Then a solid kick to his nose, destroying him instantly. He slumps to the floor.
Thug #1 wakes up and is trying to stand up. “One more to go…” she says. Lora stands up and slowly, seductively walks towards him, giggling. “Look at my feet” she commands. “I noticed you liked my feet when I came through the door.” The thug looks down at her feet. She roundhouse kicks him once, twice, three times. He crashes to the floor and Lora stands next to him smiling. Then she looks around the room casually, and says “I might spare your life if you kiss my feet.” She poses them in a seductive way – flexing her arches. “It’s hopeless for you – I’ve destroyed your friends, kicked you into a daze, and my foot pheromones have hypnotized you.” The thug is confused and can’t stop looking at her sexy feet. “Now crawl over here. Like a worm, on your belly.” The guy crawls to her feet and starts kissing them. “Good boy,” she taunts. “How does it feel to kiss the feet that just destroyed your friends?” He lets out a desperate whimper. She laughs. She raises one foot and notices some juice on the sole. She runs her finger slowly along the arch. “Oh look!” she giggles. “There’s juice on my foot. Lick it off.” (If you don’t want to do this, she can say “Wipe if off” and he can wipe if off with his shirt). The guy begs, “No, please…” Lora raises her foot, ready to kick, taunting him. The thug gives up: “Okay, okay.” Lora says. “Good boy. I think I’ll let you live and you can tell your friends. That way, if you try to get revenge, I’ll have more fun with them. Or maybe I’ll come back and make you tell me where they are and I can hunt them down and destroy them with my feet, too.”
Standing over him, she kicks him in the face while he’s on the floor. She walks over to the table and takes the bag with the money. Stepping over the bodies, she walks out the door, giggling.
Additional information
Duration | |
Genre | |
Movie ending | |
Outfit | |
Gloves | |
Hairstyle | |
Pantyhose | |
Red juice | |
Shoes | |
Type of fight |
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huey (verified owner) –
OMG : one of the best videos available ! Lora’s deadly feet are gorgeous and the foot smother kill a marvel.
Hoping you’ll do more of this kind !
Cheers +++++
chengleihong –
very good
Kakoo (verified owner) –
If there is anything to say about this video is that it is very well made. Lora is one of the best and she’s really good at what she does. Get this one if you like feet and all. She has no mercy. Just superb. I want more of this.